Company information
Company Name: *
Country: *
Address 1: *
Address 2:
State: *
City: *
Zip: *
Company Phone: *
Company Email: *
Website: *
Time Zone: *
How many locations/branches does your company have:*
Select your EDC-AgentLink® plan (Compare plans):*
Markets Your Company Serves (check all that apply):
(* Required fields)
Administrator login information
First Name: *
Last Name: *
Title: *
Phone: *
Email: *
This will be your username.
Email confirmation: *
Password: *
Password must be at least six characters long and must contain lowercase, uppercase and numbers.
Password Confirmation: *
(* Required fields)

Payment information
Name on card: *
Card number: *
Expiration: *
CVV: *

Billing address
Country: *
Address 1: *
Address 2:
State: *
City: *
Zip: *
(* Required fields)

  • Domestic and international DOD moves only (right now, in the future there may be other differentiating points)
  • Includes ability to get shipments via GOgistiX or to pull shipments from GOgistiX using the GOgistiX ID (they cannot register shipments)
  • Inventory and shipment acceptance mobile app for DOD only
  • Listing in the GOgistiX pull-down but they cannot have a full GOgistiX profile showing services and areas of service
  • Can handle domestic and international DOD, residential, and other types of moves.
  • Includes all the functions of EDC-AgentLink Pro plus
  • Ability to also register new moves in AgentLink web and mobile, to the extent of the functionality offered in AgentLink
  • Ability to integrate with internal systems using GOgistiX
  • Mobile apps for shipment acceptance and inventory for all types of moves
  • Expanded profile in GOgistiX for full access to the GOgistiX marketplace where they can publish their services based on region